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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Windows 7. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, Oktober 18, 2017

Download Whatsapp 0.2.5863 For PC Free Terbaru

Download Whatsapp 0.2.5863 For PC Free Terbaru
Download Whatsapp 0.2.5863 For PC Free TerbaruWhatsapp adalah aplikasi pesan instant yang cukup populer dan kini para pengguna Whatsapp dapat membukanya langsung dari PC atau Laptop tanpa harus install aplikasi tambahan.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu WhatsApp resmi memperkenalkan fitur baru yang memungkinkan kita menggunakannya di PC, tentu ini menjadi kabar baik terutama bagi yang sering menggunakannya bukan hanya untuk chat dengan teman, tetapi banyak lagi seperti untuk keperluan lain misalnya bisnis atau jualan online.

Sudah Lama dinanti oleh banyak pengguna Whatsapp, WhatsApp versi desktop akhirnya resmi dirilis. Pengumuman hadirnya aplikasi chatting versi komputer ini disampaikan langsung oleh CEO Jan Koum dalam sebuah postingan di akun Facebook resminya.

Pada awalnya memang untuk dapat menjalankannya di PC hanya dapat dilakukan dari web browser Google Chrome namun kemudian pihak developer memberikan update terbaru sehingga fitur ini sekarang dapat juga dibuka dari Mozilla Firefox dan Opera. Fitur ini dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna Android, Blackberry, Nokia S60, Windows Phone, Blackberry 10 dan Nokia 40.

Seperti yang telah diungkapkan oleh Koum, para pengguna bisa langsung mengakses layanan tersebut melalui web browser atau peramban.

Itu artinya, pengguna hanya perlu memiliki browser di perangkat PC. Untuk masa awal peluncurannya, Koum meminta pengguna untuk menjalankan aplikasi tersebut melalui peramban milik Google, yakni Chrome.

Dengan bisa diakses melalui komputer, tentu akan membuat kita lebih nyaman saat mengetik maupun membaca pesan, selain itu dengan membuka WhatsApp di PC tentu akan lebih nayaman dibandingkan via smartphone karena ukuran layarnya lebih besar sehingga kita dapat dengan mudah melihat semua kontak, membalas maupun menulis pesan.

Jika anda suka dan ingin mencoba Whatsapp 0.2.5863 For PC Silahkan download melalui link dibawah.

Senin, Desember 05, 2016

Download BlueStacks App Player Terbaru Gratis

Download BlueStacks Terbaru Gratis
Download BlueStacks App Player Terbaru Gratis - BlueStacks App Player Terbaru Offline Installer adalah sebuah aplikasi emulator android terbaik yang ada hingga saat ini. Aplikasi ini dapat anda gunakan untuk membuat sebuah Hp Android virtual di komputer anda. Android emulator ini juga akan berfungsi layaknya Hp android sesungguhnya, jadi anda dapat menginstal berbagai macam apk maupun game android di emulator ini. Tetapi kalau untuk sms dan telepon tentu tidak bisa ya? Karena kita tidak dapat menyisipkan kartu ke emulator android ini.

Dengan menggunakan Aplikasi BlueStacks ini anda akan bisa menginstall dan menjalankan aplikasi atau game yang berbasis android di dalam sistem operasi Windows (PC) ataupun Mac.

Aplikasi BlueStacks mendukung semua Apps Android dan Games di PC Anda, jadi sekarang Anda dapat menikmati aplikasi android Anda seperti Bbm, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Angrybirds Space, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Texas Holdem Poker dan permainan yang sangat digemari pada saat ini seperti Clash of Clans (COC) pada Sistem Windows.

Download Juga :  SpeedyFox

Setelah proses penginstallan
Aplikasi BlueStacks berhasil pada sistem operasi Windows (PC) atau Mac milik anda. Program ini telah menyediakan aplikasi app store (berada pada menu MyApp pada BlueStacks) untuk android yang bisa di gunakan untuk melakukan pencarian aplikasi/game dengan hanya tinggal mengetikan nama aplikasi/game yang anda kehendaki pada kotak pencarian kemudian apabila sudah ketemu anda tinggal klik install dan tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses penginstallan selesai.

Rabu, November 30, 2016

Download CDBurnerXP Free Full Version

Download CDBurnerXP Free Full Version

Download CDBurnerXP Free Full VersionMetode penyimpanan file sudah berkembang seiring berjalannya zaman. Menyimpan file saat ini sudah banyak beralih ke media penyimpanan berupa hard disk atau USB disk. Namun, ada kalanya metode penyimpanan file masih membutuhkan media penyimpanan dalam bentuk CD atau DVD karena lebih murah untuk pembagian data secara massal.

Baca Juga : Download Cyberlink Audiodirector Ultra 7.0.7110.0 Full Crack Free

CDBurnerXP Full Version adalah aplikasi untuk Burning CD dan DVD, termasuk Blu-Ray dan HD-DVD. Hal ini juga termasuk fitur untuk burn dan membuat ISO, semua orang, bahkan perusahaan, dapat menggunakannya secara gratis.

Meskipun Freeware, aplikasi CDBurnerXP Free Full Version ini terbukti cukup efektif digunakan untuk memburning ke CD/DVD, ditambah lagi aplikasi ini lebih ringan dibandingkan software lainnya seperti misalnya Nero Burning ROM. Selain itu, CD Burner XP dilengkapi dengan puluhan support bahasa yang bisa digunakan, salah satunya yaitu bahasa Indonesia.

Anda cukup memasukkan CD atau DVD kosong ke laptop/komputer dan memilih file yang dikehendaki. Setelah itu, pengguna bisa membuka CD Burner XP dan memilih berbagai jenis fitur yang dapat dilakukan oleh software ini.

Fitur CDBurnerXP Terbaru Full Version:

  • Burning semua jenis Cd/Dvd
  • Audio-CD dengan gaps antara trek
  • Membuat file ISO
  • Verifikasi data setelah proses burning
  • Membuat disk bootable
  • Tampilan multibahasa
  • Bin / NRG ke ISO converter, pencetakan sampul sederhana dan banyak lagi.

Selasa, November 22, 2016

Download Aplikasi UXTheme Multi-Patcher 15.0 For Windows Terbaru 2016

Download Aplikasi UXTheme Multi-Patcher 15.0 For Windows Terbaru 2016 - UXTheme Multi-Patcher adalah aplikasi yang dilengkapi beberapa tema untuk merubah tampilan windows menjadi lebih menarik. 

Anda yang sudah lama menggunakan windows yang biasa saja pasti merasa bosan dengan tampilan windows yang standar bukan? Memang anda dapat menginstal skin atau theme untuk dapat mempercantik tampilan windows anda. 

Namun dengan menginstal skin pack tentu akan menambah beban windows kita. Namun sekarang anda dapat mengganti theme di windows anda dengan mudah dan aman cukup dengan download UXTheme Multi-Patcher 15.0 Terbaru 2016 ini dan mengaktifkannya di system windows anda. Satu hal yang perlu anda perhatikan sebelum menggunakan UXTheme Multi-Patcher 15.0 For Windows ini adalah, anda harus membuat restore point dulu sebelum menjalankan software yang satu ini. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pasca instalasi UXTheme Multi-Patcher 15.0 ini. 

Program ini akan mempatch sistem style di windows, sehingga Anda dapat menggunakan gaya visual pihak ke 3 pada sistem operasi seperti berikut ini : 

  • Windows XP x86 
  • Windows XP x64 
  • Windows Server 2003 x86 dan x64
  • Windows Vista x86 and x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x86 dan x64
  • Windows 7 x86 and x64
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 x86 dan x64
  • Windows 8 x86 and x64
  • Windows Server 2012 x86 dan x64
  • Windows 8.1 x86 and x64
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 x86 dan x64
  • Windows 10 x86 and x64 Editions 

Setelah selesai, maka diperlukan restart terlebih dahulu. Selanjutnya kita bisa menggunakan berbagai visual styles dari Software UXTheme Multi-Patcher 15.0 For Windows

Untuk mengembalikan windows ke tema default. Tidak perlu repot, jalankan kembali program ini dan klik Restore.

Jumat, November 18, 2016

Download Aplikasi BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free

BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free
Download Aplikasi BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free

Download  Aplikasi BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free
Penggunaan aplikasi layanan instant messenger sedang sangat di gemari oleh masayarakat salah satu nya Aplikasi BlackBerry MessengerBlackBerry Messenger sangat populer di kalangan remaja, pekerja bahkan hingga pebisnis, karena aplikasi chating BBM ini memungkinkan para penggunanya tidak hanya bisa berkomunikasi tapi juga bisa bertukar file melalui mobile. Peminat yang semakin menjamur membuat vendor pemilik asli aplikasi ini bekerja ekstra keras untuk menghasilkan aplikasi serupa yang kompatibel dengan semua perangkat seperti yang sudah tersedia di perangkat Android dan juga iOS tak terkecuali pada perangkat dekstop / laptop.

Berikut Fitur BBM for PC :

BBM sebagai salah satu aplikasi chatting paling populer memiliki kode khusus yang disebut PIN BBM. Pin BBM ini terdiri dari varian huruf dan angka, pin BBM juga disertai dalam bentuk bar code (kode batang). Untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan teman, melihat foto profile, atau pun personal messege, anda perlu memiliki kontak satu sama lain dengan berbagi PIN. BBM for PC juga menyediakan berbagai fitur yaitu :
  • BlacBerry Messenger memungkinkan para pengguna BBM for PC untuk berkirim pesan dengan panjang pesan tanpa batas.
  • Untuk memastikan pesan anda sudah terkirim atau belum anda bisa mengetahuinya dari tanda checklist (ü) berarti pesan anda belum terkirim, tanda huruf “D” warna biru berarti pesan anda sudah terkirim namun belum dibaca, tanda huruf “R” berwarna hijau pesan anda sudah dibaca sedangkan tanda silang (x) warna merah berarti pesan anda gagal terkirim.
  • BBM for PC tidak hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengirim pesan teks, tapi bisa mengirim fofo, video, maupun file baik itu dalam bentuk word, excel, power point maupun yang lainnya dengan ukuran file di bawah 16 MB.
  • Para pengguna bisa melakukan broadcast messege artinya anda bisa mengirim pesan ke banyak kontak sekaligus.
  • Para Pengguna BBM bisa melakukan panggilan video, chatting audio, dan melakukan panggolan audio gratis.
  • Sama seperti facebook, anda juga bisa mengganti foto profile sesuka anda maupun update status yang dalam BlackBerry Messenger disebut Personal Messege.
  • Dalam BBM for PC, jika anda memerlukan kemudahan komunikasi dalam 1 komunitas atau pun kelompok tertentu anda bisa memanfaatkan fitur BBM dengan membuat group chatting. Di situ anda bisa berbagi datar, foto, membuat acara atau pun chatting bersama.
  • Pengguna BBM juga bisa berbagi lokasi keberadaannya yang didukung dengan aplikasi Google Maps. 

Langkah-langkan menggunakan BBM for PC Windows XP, 7, dan 8 :

1. Langkah langkah persiapan untuk BBMan di Laptop :
2. Langkah Langkah Instal dan Menggunakan BBM Via Laptop/ PC
a. Langkah pertama silahkan anda download terlebih dahulu 2 file yang saya sediakan diatas, setelah selesai mendownload langsung saja anda extract file Android SDK yang sudah anda download tadi.
b. Masuk ke folder yang sudah anda extract dan jalankan file Eclipse.exe yang letaknya didalam folder eclipse.
c. Pada eclipse, langsung saja anda klik tab window dan geser ke Android Virtual Device Manager
d. Setelah itu klik “New”
e. Kemudian pada menu AVD, isi semua kolom sesuai keinginan dan anda, sebagai contoh bisa anda lihat pada gambar dibawah ini :
BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free

f. Selanjutnya silahkan anda pindahkan aplikasi bbm for android.APK ke dalam folder [namafolder]/sdk/platform-tools/
g. Selanjutnya tinggal anda buka command promt windows (CMD) dan arahkan ke folder [namafolder]/sdk/platform-tools/ lalu ketik adb install [namaaplikasibbm].apk. Lihat pada gambar dibawah ini :

Aplikasi BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free

h. Setelah proses ke7 tersebut, aplikasi bbm anda telah berhasil terinstall di Virtual Device yang ada pada komputer/ laptop anda.
i. Silahkan anda jalankan / Start Virtual Device dan jalankan aplikasi bbm yang sudah terinstall di laptop/ komputer anda tersebut.

Itulah beberapa cara untuk menggunakan Aplikasi BBM di PC. Semoga artikel Download Aplikasi BBM for PC Windows Full Version Free Bisa bermanfaat buat kita semua.

Jumat, Oktober 28, 2016


SpeedyFox adalah software untuk memepercepat kinerja browser Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Pale Moon, SRWare Iron hanya dengan satu klik! saat ini juga sudah kompatibel dengan berbagai aplikasi seperti Skype dan Mozilla Thunderbird.

Beberapa browser diatas merupakan browser yang paling cepat dan stabil tetapi dengan seringnya kita gunakan untuk browsing dan surfing menyebabkan aplikasi tersebut melambat, Hal ini merupakan suatu hal yang umum karena dengan seringnya kita gunakan untuk browsing maka akan menyebabkan terjadinya fragmentasi database.

Firefox (dan add-ons) menggunakan database SQLite untuk menyimpan banyak seting/pengaturannya. Pada saat database tumbuh membengkak dan Firefox mulai melambat, SpeedyFox akan merampingkan database mereka tanpa kehilangan data apapun.
Setelah diinstal, SpeedyFox secara otomatis akan mendeteksi profil default Firefox Anda. Jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu profil, Anda dapat memilih salah satu yang Anda inginkan untuk dioptimalkan dari menu drop down. Untuk versi portable Firefox, pilih profil secara manual dengan memilih profil “Custom”. Yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah dengan menekan tombol “Speed Up My Firefox!”.

Dengan menggunakan Speedyfox terbaru ini masalah fragmentasi database bisa dengan cepat diatasi hanya dengan satu kali klik, memang tampaknya sulit dipercaya tetapi setelah anda menggunakan tool ini anda akan merasakan nuansa dan kecepatan baru dari Aplikasi yang anda gunakan.

DeveloperCrystalIdea Software Inc
Sistem OperasiWindows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Download SpeedyFox Gratis Terbaru dengan mengklik tombol diatas

Minggu, November 04, 2012

Download Borland Turbo C++ 4.5

Download Borland Turbo C++ 4.5 Setup Installer and Portable Version- Borland Turbo C++ merupakan salah satu bahasa pemrograman under DOS sama seperti Turbo Pascal. C++ ini banyak diminati oleh para pembuat aplikasi dan game. Bahasa C++ ini juga hampir mirip dengan Bahasa PHP seperti looping, tanda/tombol tertentu, logika IF THEN ELSE dan sebagainya. Microsoft pun seolah olah ingin menyaingi C++ dengan menciptakan C# yang kini tergabung dalam paket Microsoft Visual Studio

Download Borland Turbo C++ 4.5


Minggu, April 01, 2012

Windows 7 (Professional) Download

The good: Strong design and Microsoft don't always go together, but they do in Windows 7. Users might take a while to get used to the new taskbar and Aero Peek, but they're a pleasure to use.

The bad: Performance is still hit-or-miss in Windows 7. At the ripe age of seven, Windows XP still performs better in some categories.

The bottom line: Windows 7 is more than what Vista should have been, it's where Microsoft needed to go. How much damage Vista did and whether Windows 7 is enough for people to finally abandon Windows XP are questions that nobody has the answers to right now.

Deserved or not, Microsoft had dug itself a cool, deep, dark hole with Windows Vista. Users demanding that Redmond extend the life of Windows XP wasn't exactly something they could be proud of, either. Bombarded by complaints and negative press even after the first service pack was released, the bar had been set high for Vista's successor: Windows 7. This review is based on an official copy of the Windows 7 RTM that Microsoft provided to CNET on July 30, 2009.

Luckily for Microsoft, Windows 7 is more than just spin. It's stable, smooth, and highly polished, introducing new graphical features, a new taskbar that can compete handily with the Mac OS X dock, and device management and security enhancements that make it both easier to use and safer. Importantly, it won't require the hardware upgrades that Vista demanded, partially because the hardware has caught up, and partially because Microsoft has gone to great lengths to make Windows 7 accessible to as many people as possible.

It's important to note that the public testing process for Windows 7 involved one limited-availability beta and one release candidate, and constituted what some have called the largest shareware trial period ever. As buggy and irritating as Vista was, Windows 7 isn't. Instead, it's the successor to Windows XP that Microsoft wishes Vista had been, and finally places it on competitive footing with other major operating systems like OS X and Linux.

Microsoft is offering six versions of Windows 7: Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, OEM, and Enterprise. The three versions that Redmond will be promoting most heavily are Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate, although Starter will also be available to consumers.

Windows 7 will support both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. The bare minimum requirements for the 32-bit include a 1GHz processor, 1GB RAM, 16GB available hard-disk space, and a DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver. 64-bit systems will require at least a 1 GHz processor, 2GB RAM, 20GB of free space on your hard drive, and a DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver. A touch-screen monitor is required to take advantage of the native touch features. Do note that some users have claimed to have limited success running the Windows 7 beta with less than 1GB of RAM, but that's not recommended.

Microsoft is offering several paths to install Windows 7. People can buy a new computer with the operating system already installed, upgrade from Windows XP or Vista, or do a clean install on a computer the user already owns. The clean installation took us about 30 minutes, but that will vary depending on your computer.

The upgrade procedure is different depending on whether you're running Windows XP or Windows Vista. Vista users merely need to back up their data before choosing the Upgrade option from the install disc. Both XP Home and XP Pro users will have to back up their data, then choose Custom from the install disc. Custom will have the same effect as a clean install, although it'll save your old data in a folder called Windows.old. Once you choose Custom, you'll need to select the partition of your hard drive that contains Windows XP, and then follow the instructions to enter your product key and allow the computer to reboot as needed.

If you're not sure if your current computer can run Windows 7, you can download and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor from Microsoft.

Features: Taskbar and Aero Peek
Although the look of Windows 7 may seem to be nothing more than some polish applied liberally to the Vista Aero theme, make no mistake: This is a full replacement operating system, and more than just "Vista done right." From driver support to multitouch groundwork for the future, from better battery management to the most easy-to-use interface Microsoft has ever had, Windows 7 is hardly half-baked.

Aero Peek shows the desktop when you hover over the right edge of the toolbar, and is also an option in the program-switching hot key Alt+Tab. (This image was taken from the Windows 7 Release Candidate, but looks and functions the same in the official version of Windows 7.)

The first thing that should stand out is the new taskbar. This is one of the best improvements Microsoft has made--third-party program dock makers are going to have to do some serious innovation when Windows 7 goes public. Besides incorporating the translucent style of Aero, the new taskbar is arguably even better than the Mac OS X dock. It features pinned programs using large, easy-to-see icons. Mouse over one and all windows associated with that program appear in preview. Mouse over one of those preview panes to reveal an X to close the window. Hover over the preview to show a full-size preview of the program, or click on the window to bring it to the front. Because of the button size, people with touch screens should find it especially easy to use.

Jump lists are another new taskbar improvement that make recently opened documents easier to get to. Right-click or left-click and drag on any program icon pinned to the taskbar to see a list of files that you've recently used in that program. In Internet Explorer, this will show recently visited Web sites, although it doesn't yet seem to work in Firefox.

If you've noticed the missing Show Desktop icon, that's because it's been baked into the taskbar itself. Mouse over to the right corner. Hovering over the Show Desktop box reveals the desktop, and then hides it when you mouse away. Click on the box to minimize all your programs.

Resizing programs has been simplified and improved by the capability to drag a window's title bar. Drag a program window to the top of your monitor to expand it to full screen. If you want to work in two windows simultaneously, drag one to the left edge and one to the right edge of your screen, and they'll automatically resize to half the width of your monitor. Dragging a program away from the top or sides will return it to its original size. This is an entirely new feature in Windows 7, but it should prove easy to adopt because it mimics and expands on the maximize/restore button that people have been resizing windows with since Windows 95.

Theme packages also make it much faster to change the look of Windows 7. From the Control Panel, you can change the theme under Appearance and Personalization. Microsoft has created several theme packages to give people a taste for what the feature can do. Click on one to download it, and it instantly changes the color scheme and background--no need to reboot. Users can create their own themes, as well.

Windows Media Player and Device Stage
One of the biggest new features makes Windows Media Player useful again: you can now stream media files from one Windows 7 computer to another, across the Internet and out of network. Even better, the setup procedure is dead simple.

Microsoft reinvigorates the Windows Media Player by allowing users to stream their media files to themselves. All it takes is two Windows 7 computers, an Internet connection, and a free Windows Live ID. (This image was taken from the Windows 7 Release Candidate, but looks and functions the same in the official version of Windows 7.)
(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

When you open Windows Media Player, there's a new Stream option on the toolbar. Click it, and you're presented with two choices. Both require you to associate your computer with your free Windows Live ID. When you've associated a second Windows 7's WMP with that same ID, you can remotely access the media on the host computer. Windows Media Player's mini mode looks much slicker, emphasizing the album art--sometimes at the expense of clearly seeing the controls, but it's a definite improvement.

The new Device Stage makes managing peripherals significantly easier, combining printers, phones, and portable media players into one window. A large photo of the peripheral summarizes important device stats and makes it easy to identify which devices you're using. Device Stage can also be used to preset common tasks, such as synchronization. Device Stage support for older devices makes one of Windows 7's best features applicable to peripherals and externals that don't need to be upgraded. One annoying change is that Bluetooth driver support no longer comes baked into the operating system. If you need a Bluetooth driver, you'll either need the installation disc on hand or you'll have to go download it.

Search, touch screens, and XP mode
Windows 7's native search feature has been improved. Files added to the hard drive were indexed so fast that they were searchable less than 5 seconds later. Search result snippets now include a longer snippet, and highlight the snippet more clearly. This should appeal specifically to people who juggle large numbers of long documents, but it's a useful feature for anybody who wants to find files faster. However, the search field is available by default only in the Start menu and in Windows Explorer, and cannot be easily added to the taskbar.

Touch-screen features worked surprisingly well. The hardware sometimes misread some of the multitouch gestures, occasionally confusing rotating an image, for example, with zooming in or out of the image. Overall, though, there were few difficulties in performing the basic series of gestures that Microsoft promotes, and this places Windows 7 in an excellent position for the future, as more and more computers are released with multitouch abilities.

Experts and people or companies who hope to use Windows 7 for business situations will appreciate the new XP Mode. It doesn't have much of a practical application for the home consumer, but if you need to access programs designed for Windows XP that have not been upgraded to Windows Vista or 7, XP Mode creates a virtual environment within Windows 7 that should assuage any fears of upgrading without backward compatibility.

Search snippets do a better job of highlighting relevant terms in your documents, exposing useful data even if it's not in the file name. (This image was taken from the Windows 7 Release Candidate, but looks and functions the same in the official version of Windows 7.)
(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

It's not easy to set up once you've downloaded the XP Mode installer. You'll need to double-check that you have the right hardware, and can get the right software. Hardware Virtualization Technology, also known as AMD-V, Vanderpool, or VT-d, must be supported for it to work. Motherboards older than two years probably won't work, and even if you do have a newer one you might have to go into your BIOS and activate Hardware Virtualization. CPU-identification utilities are available from Microsoft that can tell you if you're in the clear or not. However, if compatibility is the issue, this hassle will be worth it to you. Users will have full access to peripherals connected to their Windows 7 hardware, including printers, and the clipboard can be used to cut and paste between the virtual operating system and the "real" one.

User Account Control, or UAC, is back in Windows 7. Microsoft has tweaked the feature so that it's less intrusive, but it's not clear whether that means you're actually more or less secure than you were in Vista. UAC was one of the biggest changes in Vista. It tightened program access, but did it in such a way as to frustrate many owners of single-user computers. Windows 7 provides more options for user customization of UAC.

Windows 7 supports a feature that won't be useful to most users, but businesses might do a double-take. XP Mode is a free add-on for Windows 7 that creates a virtual XP environment in which you can run older programs. (This image was taken from the Windows 7 Release Candidate, but looks and functions the same in the official version of Windows 7.)
(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

The default setting is to notify users only when programs try to make changes to the computer, one step below the most restrictive setting of Always Notify. Under Always Notify, anytime a program tries to access the Internet, or you try to make changes to the computer, Windows 7 will require user confirmation. The second-least restrictive option doesn't dim the desktop when UAC is activated, and will only notify the user when programs try to make changes to the computer. When the desktop dims, Windows 7 is locking it down and preventing access. Never Notify is the most relaxed option, and is only recommended by Microsoft for programs that aren't compatible with UAC.

UAC also displays a blue banner when confronted with a program from a known publisher versus a yellow banner and exclamation point when the program is from an unknown publisher. The number of clicks it should take to use UAC safely has been reduced, However, it's important to note that it's a less aggressive default posture by UAC.

A less glitzy, but no less important, change to how removable drives are handled also can affect your media. Unlike Windows XP and Windows Vista, Windows 7 will no longer AutoRun external hard drives and USB keys when they're connected. This kills off a risky vector for malware infections that has been the bane of many security experts.

Although Microsoft is working on a revamp of its antivirus and antimalware program, now called Microsoft Security Essentials, it won't be bundled with Windows 7. Users are still required to download a third-party antivirus and antimalware program, although the Windows Firewall remains intact. As with many features in Windows 7 that have been carried over from Windows Vista, people will notice there's far more granular settings control than before. Features like filtering outbound traffic, which were available in Vista but not exposed, are easier to access in Windows 7.

Windows 7 feels faster than Windows XP and Vista, but it turns out that's not always the case--sometimes, it's the slowest out of the three operating systems. CNET Labs tested four 32-bit Windows operating systems: Windows 7 RTM build 7600, Windows 7 Release Candidate build 7100, Windows Vista with Service Pack 2, and Windows XP SP3, all on an Inspiron Desktop 530 Mini Tower running an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E4500 at 2.20 GHz, with a 128MB NVIDIA 8300 GS graphics card, 4GB of RAM, and two 320GB SATA 7,200rpm hard drives.

When you try to use a file already in use, Windows 7 goes beyond Vista and XP by telling you not just that it's being used, but where it's being used so you can manage the situation faster. Other than that, Windows 7 offers on-board operating system support nearly identical to Windows Vista. Screen darkening, one-click action hand-holding, and a useful question mark icon on all Explorer windows maintain Vista's improved help features, when compared with Windows XP.

In sum
Windows 7 looks like the operating system that both Microsoft and its consumers have been waiting for. By fixing most of the perceived and real problems in Vista, Microsoft has laid the groundwork for the future of where Windows will go. Windows 7 presents a stable platform that can compete comfortably with OS X, while reassuring the world that Microsoft can still turn out a strong, useful operating system.

Windows 7 (Professional) Download